Friday, July 2, 2010

Herbs in Da Teeth

Lane went and picked up some pork chops for dinner tonight.  Sorry, no pictures, but we had herb-rubbed pork chops on the grill with sauteed chard, kale, spring onions, and garlic scapes.  The sage and thyme came from the CSA, the rosemary came from the garden.  They made a good mix with some sea salt for the meat. 

I also was going to make mojitos with some of our spearmint out back since its going gangbusters, but I decided to go for something a bit more healthy.  I made some iced tea with spearmint.  Figured, it can't be a bad combination.  However, I stupidly chopped the mint and put it in the pitcher.  Now I'm busy drinking strained tea tonight so I can start over and use whole mint leaves instead... much smarter! 

That, and both of us had to floss our teeth after dinner with the mint pieces, herbs, and greens! 

1 comment:

Meryl DePasquale said...

Wow, that sounds delicious! You should make it with seitan some night and have me over ;)