Sunday, June 13, 2010

Radish question

In my oven right now: turnips roasting with new potatoes and Summer Savory. I will add the SS to my chicken when I cook that in 45 minutes or so. However, my question is not about our CSA produce. It's about radishes. Yesterday at the FM, I bought a bundle of radishes with my new potatoes to make a delicious potato salad for a lovely picnic. However, our picnic was cancelled (or rather, postponed, due to the weather), so I didn't make the salad. Thus, potatoes for supper (slipped the turnips in there to get my husband to eat them). But what to do with the radishes... I like them okay raw. I can eat maybe one or two. But they only sell them in bunches! I have 12-15 of them. So, I ask you smart ladies, "What do you do with radishes?"

(Also, we will eat the broccoli with dinner, and I plan to have both the kohlrabi and the kale as part of my personal lunch tomorrow, since Pat cares not to eat either of those. Off to a great start with the CSA fare!)


Angie said...

We just eat them raw mostly. In salads, etc. Looks like you can roast them like root vegetables, but we've never done that.

Molly said...

I've only eaten them raw myself too, which is why I usually (can't) don't buy them--I wouldn't eat them all before they'd go bad!

But this recipe looked kind of good:

Mostly what I found were salads or ways to make vinaigrettes, but another solution would be to invite your friend Molly over to help you consume some.

That is, if your friend Molly ever repairs her ridiculous sleep schedule.

(Last night: restless legs so bad I didn't get to sleep until 9:30am, slept until maybe three, went to bed at 7:30, woke up at 11:00pm, and here I am, 2:30 in the morning and unsure when I'll sleep again? Stupid summer. Extra-stupid pregnancy. That I, erm, love so much, I swear!)

casey said...

I also have only eaten radishes raw... but they are so crunchy and delicious that way, I wouldn't really think of cooking them. I know that's probably not too helpful... But I have found that as long as you remove the greens and prep them, radishes keep for a good while in the fridge.

Also, at least in my house, if something like that is tossed with a simple vinaigrette, or even just a little salt, and then left visibly right at the front of the fridge... they disappear quite quickly.

That's how the kohlrabi vanished less than 12 hours after completion. I even had to rush in to snag the last few before Ardeshir and my neighbor scarfed them all!

crunchy + salty + ready = good snacking!